This Credit Guide provides you with the key information that you need to know to make an informed and confident choice when engaging with our products and services. This Credit Guide summarises our goals and standards, offerings, fees, and commissions. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need more information or clarification.
We hold the necessary mortgage broking experience and qualifications in accordance with the National Consumer Credit Protection Act, 2009 to provide you with assistance. We are required to meet specific competency standards relating to educational and professional development. You can be confident that we are held accountable to not only our organisation’s high ethical standards / values, but also have a responsibility to maintain the regulatory standards that are set by both Commonwealth and State governments.
Our mission is to ensure we offer our clients the best service and most appropriate products to suit their individual needs through our professionalism and attention to detail. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure applicants are provided with a loan that meets their objectives.
We guarantee to listen to your needs and your instructions, ensuring that there is collaborative agreement through each step of the finance application process.
Our relationships and alliances with likeminded quality organisations ensure we are positioned to offer the best quality service as well as offering complementary financial services where appropriate.
By law, before entering into a specific credit contract, we are obliged to conduct a Preliminary Credit Assessment to determine what kind of loans would be suitable for you. In consultation with you, we will explore and discuss with you your financial situation, financial objectives and borrowing needs before we determine which loan product may suit your requirements. For the purposes of the Preliminary Credit Assessment, we will need to ask you some questions in order to assess whether the loan or lease is not unsuitable. The law requires us to:
The assessment will be conducted prior to recommendation of a particular product. The assessment will involve collection and verification of financial information to determine the appropriate loan amount and the loan costs associated with entering a credit contract. This will ensure that your circumstances will be assessed appropriately and that the options suggested will not place you in financial hardship. Once completed, this Preliminary Credit Assessment is only valid for 90 days. A copy of the Preliminary Credit Assessment will be available to you, on request – this will be available up to 7 years after we provide you with credit assistance.
Prior to the Preliminary Credit Assessment being conducted, we may provide you with Product summaries that highlight various key features and benefits of the product. We may also provide you with Product Comparison documents that allow you to compare the features and benefits of each product and assess the suitability to your requirements.
AFG Home Loans- Align | AFG Home Loans – Alpha | AFG Home Loans – Edge |
AFG Home Loans – Link | AFG Home Loans – Options | AFG Home Loans – Retro |
AMP Bank | ANZ | ASCF |
Australian Military Bank | Auswide Bank | Bank Australia |
Bank SA | Bank of China | Bank of Melbourne |
Bank of QLD | Bank of Sydney | Bankwest |
Better Mortgage Management | Beyond Bank | Bluestone |
Citibank | Commonwealth Bank | Credit Union SA |
Firefighters Mutual Bank | Firstmac | Funding |
Granite Home Loans | Great Southern Bank | Health Professionals Bank |
Heartland Reverse Mortgages | Heritage Bank | HomeStart Finance |
Hume Bank | IMB Ltd | ING |
Keystart | La Trobe Financial | Liberty Financial |
ME | MKM Capital Pty Ltd | Macquarie Bank |
MyState | NAB | Newcastle Permanent |
P&N Bank | Pepper Money | QBANK |
RedZed | Resimac | St George Bank |
Suncorp | Teachers Mutual Bank | UBank |
UniBank | Virgin Money | Westpac |
bcu | AMMF | Angle Finance |
Automotive Financial Services | Green Light Auto | Plenti |
Latitude | Money Place | NOW Finance |
SocietyOne | Wisr |
We aim to provide you with information from a range of lenders and products / loans. Once you have chosen a loan that is suitable for you, we will help you obtain an approval.
The list below documents the 6 most commonly used Lenders by my licensee. This does not necessarily reflect all of the financial institutions that my licensee is able to conduct business through. However, if less than six lenders are displayed below, this is a summary of the lenders that my licensee is able to utilize for loan submission purposes
AFG Home Loans-Alpha | 0% |
AFG Home Loans-Link | 0% |
AFG Home Loans-Options | 0% |
ANZ | 0% |
La Trobe Financial | 0% |
AFG Home Loans-Retro | 0% |
When the credit application (loan) is submitted, you may need to pay the lender’s application fee, valuation fees, or other fees that are associated with the loan application process, even if the loan is ultimately unsuccessful.
If a fee is payable by you, this will be disclosed in a Credit Quote that will be provided to you. If a Credit Quote is not supplied, this will indicate that we do not charge consumers any fees.
Please take notice that the licensee may receive fees, commissions, or financial rewards from Lenders or Lessors in connection with any finance we arrange for you. These fees are not payable by you.
The commission/brokerage amount depends on the amount of the finance and may vary from product to product. We can provide you with information about a reasonable estimate of those commissions and how the commission is worked out if you require.
Commissions are paid based on a percentage of the loan balance that is drawn down which in most cases will be net of any amounts you hold in an offset account. The way commissions are calculated and paid to us by lenders may vary. By following the responsible lending requirements, we will ensure the loan recommended to you is not unsuitable for your situation and objectives.
We may pay fees to call center companies, real estate agents, accountants, lawyers, and others for referring you to us. These referral fees are generally small amounts in accordance with usual business practice.
These are not fees payable by you. On request, you can obtain a reasonable estimate of the amount of the fee and how it is worked out.
From time to time, we may also remunerate other parties through payments, rewards or benefits.
Through your broker’s relationships with lenders they may have access to tiered servicing arrangements. The benefits of this access to these arrangements can include faster processing, better information or greater levels of assistance provided for obtaining loan approval. Your broker will advise you of any tiered service arrangements that are in place with a particular lender that they have proposed at the time recommendations are made.
Access to this program is not based solely on the volume of new or existing lending your broker’s customers have with each respective lender and does not entitle them to any additional commissions outside of what they have disclosed to you, any additional payments or preferential customer discounts.
Your AFG broker is prohibited from accepting gifts or inducements over $350. Any benefit given to your broker greater than $100 and less than $350 will be recorded in a Gifts Register. A copy of your broker’s register is available to inspect on request. If you wish to inspect the register, please contact your broker.
We may receive obtain referrals from a range of sources, including accountants, financial planners, real estate agents, and others. If you were introduced or referred to us, we may pay the referrer a commission, or fee or remunerate them in other ways. Details of any commission or fees being paid to the referrer will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document provided to you.
Credit & Valuation Reports
We may be provided access to free services such as credit report and valuations from our lenders. Details of any relevant services we may receive because of a recommendation we make to you, will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document we provide to you.
Multiple Roles
I may act in other roles or capacities related to the credit assistance provided to you. Each business activity is separate however I may be paid remuneration in my other business activities as a result of the credit assistance provided to you. Further details and relevant remuneration we may receive because of a recommendation we make to you, will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document we provide to you. Where I am unable to act in more than one capacity, I will refer you to another party who will provide you services due to a conflict of interest that cannot be managed appropriately by me.
Related Parties
We have relationships with a number of related parties and associates. Details of any remuneration or possible conflicts in these relationships will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document provided to you.
I may directly or indirectly hold shares in AFG or the lenders I recommend. Details of any material holdings will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document provided to you. If my material holding does not enable me to act in more than one capacity, I will refer you to another party who will provide you services due to a conflict of interest that cannot be managed appropriately by me.
Ownership Structures
I may act in other roles or capacities related to the credit assistance I provide to you. Each of business activities are separate from another however I may be paid remuneration in my other business activities as a result of the credit assistance we provide to you. Further details any will be included in the Credit Proposal Disclosure document I provide to you. Where I am unable to act in more than one capacity, I will refer you to another party who will provide you services that I am unable to due to a conflict of interest that cannot be managed appropriately by me.
AFG & AFG Home Loans
AFG Home Loans Pty Ltd (including AFG Securities Pty Ltd) are wholly owned subsidiaries of AFG. AFG may receive additional remuneration for any white label AFG Home Loans or securitised AFG Securities products that are settled. The remuneration received is in addition to those amounts paid to AFG as a mortgage broker aggregator and/or licensee. Details of this remuneration will be disclosed in your AFG Home Loan documentation.
Irrespective of our status as a licensee, representative or credit representative, our reputation is built on matching the appropriate product(s) to the individual’s requirements. We go to great lengths to ensure satisfaction with our services and offerings. However, there may be instances from time to time, where applicants may be dissatisfied with the outcomes of our consultation process. If you have a complaint about the service that we provide, the following steps or avenues for resolution are available to you.
Step 1:
Most complaints arise from miscommunication and can usually be fixed quickly. So, please contact Jason Perry first and express about your concerns.
Step 2:
If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved within 5 working days by talking with Jason Perry, we will apply our internal complaints process to manage your complaint appropriately. In this instance, the complaint will be internally escalated to our Complaints Officer. You may also contact the Complaints Officer directly.
Complaints Officer
Name | Jason Perry |
Phone | 1300 786 657 | | |
Address | 9 Godwin Street, Bulimba QLD 4171 |
Note: In some instances your broker may also be fulfilling the role of the Complaints Officer. This will not affect the capacity to have your complaint dealt with appropriately.
By using our internal complaints process we hope to assist you to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. The maximum timeframe in which to provide a written response to you is 30 days, although in pursuit of best practice and the reputation of our organisation, we aim to resolve these issues in a much shorter time frame.
Step 3:
Although we try hard to resolve a customer’s concern in the most considerate and direct manner, if you are not completely satisfied after the above steps have been attempted, you still have other avenues available to resolve the dispute. This is then managed externally and independently.
This external dispute resolution (EDR) process is available to you, at no cost. Two EDR schemes may be listed below. This indicates that the Credit Representative and their authorising Licensee are both required to be members (independently) of an ASIC approved EDR scheme. Where a Credit Representatives EDR is displayed, please contact that EDR scheme in the first instance for complaint escalation.
Name | AFCA |
Phone | 1800 931 678 |
Address | Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001 |
We don’t make any promises about the value of any property you finance with us or its future prospects. You should always rely on your own enquiries.
We don’t provide legal or financial advice. It is important you understand your legal obligations under the loan, and the financial consequences. If you have any doubts, you should obtain independent legal and financial advice before you enter any loan contract.
Broker Signature____________________ Date______________
Broker Name: Jason Perry
Client Signature____________________ Date______________
Client Name:
Client Signature____________________ Date______________
Client Name:
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Mortgage Experts, call 1300 786 657
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